Saturday, November 1, 2008

Unoffical start to the off-season

Today is the unofficial start to my off-season. I went on the first of the Peach Peloton rides we do during the winter. We had a good turn out for the first ride. It seemed like we had over 20 people show up for the ride. Today was kind of a social ride they said at the beginning. We did a nice route, varied terrian and rode for 54 miles. I"ve decided this month I will concentrate on staying with my off-season program. Last year I purchased Graeme's 12 week off season training plan. I'll be the first to admit that I didn't follow it religously like I should have. I did pretty good, but if I felt like not doing the workout, then I just blew it off. I don't plan on doing that this year. I can only imagine how much stronger I would have been if I stuck with the progam like I should have this year. I'm also getting a Bowflex from a friend to use this winter, so I hope to be in great shape come racing season next year. I'm going to have to do much better on my diet and nutrition this off-season so I don't gain any weight. On Monday I plan on starting the 12 week off-season program. I'm hoping the weather is nice so I can ride earlier in the day, then do the workout later in the evening. I'm just going to have to make myself do my workouts, no matter how tired I am.

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