Monday, December 29, 2008
Let's try this again!!!!!!!!!!
After such a disasterous start to my offseason, I just thought it would be a good idea to go back to square one & start totally from the beginning again. I missed so much earlier due to work & other life issues, that it would be a waste of time to start from where I left off. Fact of the matter is I forgot where I was in the 12 week offseason program, so starting from the beginning again seemed like the easiest thing to do. A couple weeks ago, I was doing some criterium practice with some friends. I was riding hard for a while then was doing some cool down laps when one of the other guys got froggy & I decided to chase him. I was turning a corner when the rear tire blew & I hit the pavement. My helmet is shot, but it served it's purpose. I guess I hit either the saddle or the top tube with the inside of my left leg because it's been sore since the crash. It's slowly getting better & not hurting as much. I've ridden a few times since then & my legs haven't been that bad. This past Saturday I was able to buy some upgrades for my Trek. I had a friend that was selling some Ultregra components for a reasonable price. Today was the first time I was able to take it for a ride & everything worked great. It shifted nice & crisp and my legs felt good the entire ride. I used the Warm in 5 before the ride & Cool in 5 after the ride. I also did my Bowflex workout & did the Cyclo-Zen Fix the Back: Stretch routine to losen up my back. All in all a good day & a good re-start to the offseason.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
What a lousy offseason so far!!!!!!!!
This has been the worst offseason for me in the past few years. I just can't seem to get on track this year & it's very frustrating. I can start the week out good, but then either work or other things in my life intrude & throw me off track. I seem to be having more bad weeks than good weeks this year. It just seems like for every step I take foward, I end up taking two or more steps backward. I know I should be further along than I am, but things just seem to keep getting in the way this year more than before. I think I'm just going to ride as often as possible during the holidays then start all over again after the first of the year. It might put me a bit behind early in the season, but maybe I'll be stronger during the latter part of the year. Just trying to put a positive look on things so far. Thanks for reading this & I'll keep in touch. Here's wishing everyone who reads this a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Monday, December 15, 2008
What a weekend!!!!!!
This past weekend was a total washout for any kind of workouts. I was sent to Cincinnati late Thursday afternoon to fix a broke airplane. They sent one other technician with me. We arrived at the airport very late Thursday night & then just checked into a hotel to get some sleep seeing as we both worked all day before arriving there. On Friday it was working on the plane. We fixed the original problem quite quickly, but when we had to do the check for the part we replaced, that's where the problems began. It seemed that every time we got closer to fixing the plane & going home, something else would pop up to keep us there. We worked from about 8 am to 12 midnight on Friday, 8 am to 10 pm on Saturday night, & on Sunday we started @ 7:30 am, finally finished with all the checks around 4 pm, then had to finish paperwork and caught a flight out of there at 7:40 pm. By the time I finally got home it was 1:30 am Monday morning. I'm going to get a good paycheck for this trip, but I didn't have any time to do any kind of exercise, that is unless you want to count climbing up and down the stairs to the cockpit several gazillion times exercise. I'm just glad to be home & looking forward to the rest of this week.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sorry for no posts lately
I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately, but things have been keeping me busy at work & by the time I get done with my workouts, it's too late to post. I promise I'll try to do better from now on. This past weekend I was able to get a 4+ hour bike ride in with a local group and it was a good ride, just constant rollers the entire route. I was on the bike again Monday for about 2 hours and my legs felt surprisingly good after that long ride. Today was the "Fix the Back" Core training program: Strength from Cyclo-Zen, followed by a 10 minute warm-up in zone 1 then doing 6 sets of 30 second OLD's (in the small chain ring), then cooling down for a bit then I added 3 sets of 3 minutes in the big ring @ 80% with 5 minutes cool down between sets. I finished the workout with the Cyclo-Core: Stretching, Flexibility, & Cool down Program. My legs feel good after the workouts & I think things are going well so far.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
8 Minute Power Routine & 5 x 5's
Today was supposed to be the Yoga Spin workout from Cyclo-Zen, but I substituted a different cycling workout. I warmed up for 15 minutes, then started 4 sets of 5 minutes hard, then 5 minutes easy. After I was done with the 4 sets, it was a 15 minute cool down. Once I was done with that it was time for the 8 Minute Power Routine from Cyclo-Zen. I forgot how hard this workout is. You start out with 50 reps of Hindu Squats, then going into push-ups, then crunches, and ending up with bicycle kicks. This is one tough workout. I hope to be able to do it at least twice here by the end of the workout schedule. I finished the workout using the Flexibilty, Stretching, & Cool Down routine from Cyclo-Core. I'm sure my abs will be feeling it in the next few days, but that's the price to pay for getting stronger. You can't get stronger if you don't push the limits & suffer once in a while. Stay tuned for more adventures.....
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Holiday Catch Up
I kind of re-arranged the workouts due to Thanksgiving. I was supposed to do Cyclo-Zen "Fix the Back" Core Training Strength, then Cyclo-Core: Bonus Ab & Core Conditioning workout, then end it with 20' of on the bike training. Friday was supposed to be my off day, but I decided to take Thanksgiving Day off and do that workout on Friday. Saturday was 10' warm up to z2, then Cyclo-Core Body Weight Conditioning Circuit #1, then 20'on the bike, 5' build up to z2 then hold 105+ rpms, then Cyclo-Core: Resistance Training Funcitonal Circuit #1 then Cyclo-Core: Stretching, Flexibility, and Cool down Program. Today was 2 hours on the wind trainer due to bad weather outdoors, followed by Cyclo-Zen Recovery Yoga routine. I tried to watch what I ate on Thanksgiving Day & didn't over eat. I had a little of everything so I didn't feel deprived at all. I wasn't stuffed, but I was satisified after dinner. I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend & I'll have to be more vigilant in my nutrition with the holiday season upon us. Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Change in the workout today
Today the program schedule was 45 minutes on the trainer, practicing One Leg Drills (OLD's), then super spins then steady increases in tempo, followed by a cool down. I didn't do that workout. I received a call from my friend Will. He told me he was going out riding with his friend Tim & asked if I wanted to join them. The weather was just beautiful, so I had a real tough decision. Stay indoors and do the workout on the trainer, or enjoy some good company, beautiful weather and ride outdoors. Needless to say, I was outdoors riding today. Tim is a Cat 3 racer. I met them at Will's house, so I was nice and warmed up by the time they were ready to go. We headed out into a slight headwind. Once we had a bit of a tailwind, Tim decided he was feeling a bit on the froggy side. He took off & I was doing over 31 mph & he was pulling away from me. I was certainly impressed. We headed back towards Will's house & he was still riding strong. All in all, I think I had a harder workout riding with friends, than if I had stayed indoors. My legs are certainly feeling the effort of today, even with doing Cool in 5' after I got home. I ended up doing 35 miles with an average speed of 19.62 mph. It was a good ride with good company.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Toughest day so far.
Today was the toughest of the workouts so far. It started out with the bonus ab & core conditioning workout from Cyclo-Core. I really hate ab workouts as I've stated before. I'm sure I'm going to be feeling it later this week. I've been trying to do at least one or two more reps of each exercise. On some of the exercises, I've been successful while on others, not so successful. I'm just going to keep doing them and in time I'll get better at them. After that was done it was on to body weight conditioning workout #2. It started out easy enough, but after doing the static body pike exercise twice during the ab & core workout, it was certainly hard to keep it the third time. I was able to complete each exercise and survived the body pike. After that it was on to body weight resistance #3. I was doing fine until it came to the ab exercises. My abs were so sore from the earlier exercises, I really had a hard time completing them. I did the best that I could but I'll have to do better from now on out. It also called for doing some time on the bike, but seeing as I've been trying to break in a new saddle, I decided to give the bike a rest. I'll probably go for a good ride tomorrow weather permitting That's about all I have for now, stay tuned for more.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Off to a good start
Sorry I haven't posted anything for some time, but after getting home from work, doing my workouts, eating dinner, and getting ready for the next day, it really doesn't leave much time for posting here. I'll try to post more often than just once a week. This past week was the real start of my offseason program. I used Graeme's 12 week off season program using Core & Zen. I also have a Bowflex that I'm using to help tone up my upper body. The only other thing I'm going to add to the program is that I'm going to do more riding, either on the trainer or outdoors whenever I have the opportunity, than the 12 week program allows. Down where I live we have a group of riders that get together every Saturday for what is called the Peach Peloton rides. They start out comfortable then each week the distance & intesity increase. I learned last year that I had to spend more time on the bike during the week in order to stay with them for at least half of the ride, therefore that's why I'm adding a bit more riding time to the offseason program. I took vacation this week, so I have plenty of time to get more riding in this week. I have a new frame and saddle and need to break it in. The only way I know of accomplishing that task is to have my behind on the bike as often as possible. I'm not looking for intensity right at this moment, just looking for seat time. I've been watching my diet here as much as I can, but I know it's going to be tough this week with Thanksgiving coming up, then with the Christmas season starting. I'm going to do my best to be careful & choose wisely what & how much I eat. I won't deprive myself of havning some treats, learned the hard way last year that wasn't a good idea. I'll have some treats from time to time, but I'll do my best not to overdo it during this holiday season. I'm hoping to get a ride in later today, just waiting for the temp to rise just a bit more, & if I get a ride in, I might just put in another post tonight.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
12 Week Program - day 2
Today was the workout I probably dread the most doing. I'm not the greastest when it comes to an ab workout. There is still just too much of me in the way right now. Today was the bonus ab & core conditioning workout from Cyclo-Core. This week hurt just as much as it did last week, but I was able to do at least 1 or 2 more of each exercise than I did last time I did the workout. After the ab & core workout it was the resistance workout #1. This isn't a hard workout, but it's a bit more difficult after doing the ab workout. I'm glad I was able to have any kind of improvement doing this workout. I know I'll get stronger the more I stay with the program, but for right now it still hurts no matter how much I try to convince myself otherwise. Stay tuned for my further adventures in pain and suffering during the off-season.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Offseason start TAKE 2!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know last week I had started my offseason program and it was off to a good start, but then work got in the way. I had to go out of town for most of the rest of the week & really couldn't do much in the way of working out. So after getting home I decided it was time just to start over again seeing as I wasn't very far into the week. Today was just the spinning part of the workout which was pretty easy, especially after all the riding I did this past weekend. Earlier today was a recovery ride just so my legs wouldn't tighten up. After getting something to eat it was time to do the Bowflex workout. This week I've started to do two sets of each exercise. I've got the routine down better, but sometimes I forget how to hook things up so that adds a bit more time to the workout. I have a feeling I'll be a bit more sore later this week, but that will only make me stronger. That's about all I have for now, tomorrow is the Cyclo-Core ab & core workout. I'm so not looking forward to that workout, but it's a necessary evil. Stay tuned for more.....
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Offseason has begun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On Monday I offically kicked off my offseason training program. The weather was nice yesterday afternoon, so I decided it would be great to get out on the road and do some easy riding. I kept it in the small ring the entire ride and just kept up a steady cadence. Later in the evening, it was time to start with the 12 week program. The program workout consisted of easy spinning and cadence increasing, but staying steady. After doing the cycling portion of the program, it was time for the Bowflex. I think that I'm going to do only one set of each exercise for this week, then start doing 2 sets of each exercise from next week on out. Today was one of my favorite (NOT) workouts. Today was the bonus ab & core conditioning workout from Cyclo-Core. I really wasn't looking forward to this workout, basically because I knew it was going to be hard. I hadn't been doing much core training here lately and this workout certainly showed me that I have lots of work to do in that department. I couldn't even stay with Graeme for most of the exercises. I know I'm going to be sore the next couple of days from this, but I've no one to blame for my laziness, but dear lil ol me. After the ab workout, it was time for the Body-Weight conditioning circuit #1 from Cyclo-Core. I just used 10# dumbbells for this workout, getting used to doing it again. All in all a good start to the offseason, stay tuned for more rants and raves as I suffer once again.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Getting used to the Bowflex
On Wednesday, I did the workout on the Bowflex for the second time. I was a bit quicker on the transtions from one exercise to the next. My muscles were used to the movements a bit more than I was on Monday. I was a bit sore Tuesday, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Using a Bowflex is certainly different than using the usual weight machine or free weights. I'm used to hearing the clanking of metal when working out, with the Bowflex, it's quiet. If not for the resistance, you probably wouldn't even know you were moving the power rods at all. I'm out of town this weekend for work and to help my dad with things around his house, so I won't be able to use the Bowflex this weekend. I did bring my bike and I do remember the Cyclo-Warm & Cool in 5' from Graeme, so I'm planning on riding this weekend and using them. Come Monday, is the OFFICIAL kick-off to my off-season training, so hello Hindu squats, yoga spins, and the 8' power routine. I'll let everyone know how things go and we'll see what happens.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Playing with a new toy
Today I the first time I was able to try the new toy I received yesterday. My friend Will had a Bowflex Extreme in his garage. I asked him a few weeks ago if I could borrow it to use during this offseason. He told me I could have it, seeing as he wasn't using it and wanted it out of his garage. I got with him yesterday after church and we went to his house and loaded it up and brought it to it's new home. I read a bit on how to use it last night and was going to do a workout earlier today, but the weather was just so nice & seeing as I'm off on Monday's I decided that I would go for a ride & use the Bowflex later in the evening. I went out and rode for just a bit over 2 hours today, the temps were nice, the roads didn't have much traffic, and the legs felt good. I kept it in the small ring, using today as a recovery ride. The only downer on the entire ride was that I had a headwind for most of the way back home. Such is life around here. After eating dinner, it was time to try out the Bowflex. Using that is different than lifting weights. I only did 1 set of each exercise, trying to get used to how each exercise is set up on the machine. It was a fun way to strength train. I'm sure I'll be a bit sore either tomorrow or Wednesday. I'm going to use the Bowflex 3 times a week during the off-season in addition to the 12 week off-season training plan I bought from Graeme last year. I'm going to start that part of my off-season training next week. I'm just so looking forward to doing Hindu squats, Yoga spins, and the 8' power workout again. That's about all I have for now, stayed tuned for more.....
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Unoffical start to the off-season
Today is the unofficial start to my off-season. I went on the first of the Peach Peloton rides we do during the winter. We had a good turn out for the first ride. It seemed like we had over 20 people show up for the ride. Today was kind of a social ride they said at the beginning. We did a nice route, varied terrian and rode for 54 miles. I"ve decided this month I will concentrate on staying with my off-season program. Last year I purchased Graeme's 12 week off season training plan. I'll be the first to admit that I didn't follow it religously like I should have. I did pretty good, but if I felt like not doing the workout, then I just blew it off. I don't plan on doing that this year. I can only imagine how much stronger I would have been if I stuck with the progam like I should have this year. I'm also getting a Bowflex from a friend to use this winter, so I hope to be in great shape come racing season next year. I'm going to have to do much better on my diet and nutrition this off-season so I don't gain any weight. On Monday I plan on starting the 12 week off-season program. I'm hoping the weather is nice so I can ride earlier in the day, then do the workout later in the evening. I'm just going to have to make myself do my workouts, no matter how tired I am.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sorry so long between posts
I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post, but things have been pretty hectic in my life lately. Work has been very busy & I really haven't had much free time to post. I'm hoping that things get back to what passes as normal at work so I can get back into my normal routine. Even on my days off lately, there has been quite a bit of things to keep me busy. Today I actually had a normal day for me. I woke up and this is what I had for breakfast.
2 Eggo peanut butter & jelly sandwiches
2 servings fat free milk
After the weather warmed up a bit I was able to get in a 42 mile ride. I used the Cyclo in 5' warm-up routine. I really like using that for a warm-up, it's quick, but very effective. I picked a route that had one really good climb then had rollers the rest of the ride. My legs felt pretty good the entire ride. After getting home from the ride, I did the Cyclo in 5' cool workout. That's another great routine.
2 servings pasta
1 serving Recoverite Strawberry
After lunch it was time to get some things around the house caught up. I had a bunch of laundry to get done, and some serious dusting to get done, that took up most of the afternoon.
1 McDonald's double cheeseburger
1 medium serving french fries
1 medium coke.
After dinner it was just time to play with the dogs. I finished the evening by doing the Cyclo-Zen Fix the Back, Stay in the Drops - Stretch routine.
2 Eggo peanut butter & jelly sandwiches
2 servings fat free milk
After the weather warmed up a bit I was able to get in a 42 mile ride. I used the Cyclo in 5' warm-up routine. I really like using that for a warm-up, it's quick, but very effective. I picked a route that had one really good climb then had rollers the rest of the ride. My legs felt pretty good the entire ride. After getting home from the ride, I did the Cyclo in 5' cool workout. That's another great routine.
2 servings pasta
1 serving Recoverite Strawberry
After lunch it was time to get some things around the house caught up. I had a bunch of laundry to get done, and some serious dusting to get done, that took up most of the afternoon.
1 McDonald's double cheeseburger
1 medium serving french fries
1 medium coke.
After dinner it was just time to play with the dogs. I finished the evening by doing the Cyclo-Zen Fix the Back, Stay in the Drops - Stretch routine.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Sticking with it.
Another day having to drive due to weather.
1 serving Special K fruit & yogurt cereal
1 serving fat free milk
1 Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pie
Worked on batteries during the early part of the morning.
Mid morning snack:
1 small banana
Had training until lunch
1 turkey & cheese on white wheat
1 dill pickle
1 serving baby carrots
1 sugar free pudding
4 fig cookies.
Worked on parts the rest of the afternoon.
After getting home, I got ready for a ride. I started using the Cyclo in 5'. I used the Warm the past couple of rides & it works great. I felt great at the start of both rides. The ride was fun, rode hard today. I did over 27 miles and averaged almost 21 mph. After getting home, I did the Cool in 5' then the Loose in 5' workouts.
2 baked potatoes
1 can tuna
3 slices pizza
Looking foward to an easy ride tomorrow. Thanks for reading.
1 serving Special K fruit & yogurt cereal
1 serving fat free milk
1 Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pie
Worked on batteries during the early part of the morning.
Mid morning snack:
1 small banana
Had training until lunch
1 turkey & cheese on white wheat
1 dill pickle
1 serving baby carrots
1 sugar free pudding
4 fig cookies.
Worked on parts the rest of the afternoon.
After getting home, I got ready for a ride. I started using the Cyclo in 5'. I used the Warm the past couple of rides & it works great. I felt great at the start of both rides. The ride was fun, rode hard today. I did over 27 miles and averaged almost 21 mph. After getting home, I did the Cool in 5' then the Loose in 5' workouts.
2 baked potatoes
1 can tuna
3 slices pizza
Looking foward to an easy ride tomorrow. Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Rainy day today
Today was a rainy day all day long. I didn't get to ride into work so it was another driving day.
2 Eggo waffles
1 tsp peanut butter
1 tsp apple jelly
1 cornbread muffin
1 banana
1 cup apple juice
Work consisted of the usual, repairing parts and working on batteries.
Mid morning snack:
1 small banana
Worked on more batteries till lunch. (happy, happy, joy, joy)
2 cups beef stew
1 dill pickle
1 sugar free vanilla pudding
2 cornbread muffins
Caught up on paperwork in the afternoon.
Mid afternoon snack:
1 cream filled chocolate chip cookie
It was bad weather after work, so I just went to the bike shop and hung around a bit till it was dinner time.
1 Big Mac
1 serving french fries
After dinner it was time to do my core workout. I did the Body Resistance workout #2 from Cyclo-Core and the power t-stands were very much a challenge. The other exercises felt comfortable and the static body pike was over before I knew it. I'll have to time myself to see how long I can hold that one of these days. That's about all for now, weather moving in so I don't think I'm riding to work tomorrow either.
2 Eggo waffles
1 tsp peanut butter
1 tsp apple jelly
1 cornbread muffin
1 banana
1 cup apple juice
Work consisted of the usual, repairing parts and working on batteries.
Mid morning snack:
1 small banana
Worked on more batteries till lunch. (happy, happy, joy, joy)
2 cups beef stew
1 dill pickle
1 sugar free vanilla pudding
2 cornbread muffins
Caught up on paperwork in the afternoon.
Mid afternoon snack:
1 cream filled chocolate chip cookie
It was bad weather after work, so I just went to the bike shop and hung around a bit till it was dinner time.
1 Big Mac
1 serving french fries
After dinner it was time to do my core workout. I did the Body Resistance workout #2 from Cyclo-Core and the power t-stands were very much a challenge. The other exercises felt comfortable and the static body pike was over before I knew it. I'll have to time myself to see how long I can hold that one of these days. That's about all for now, weather moving in so I don't think I'm riding to work tomorrow either.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Nice day
Today I was a bit on the lazy side, I drove to work today. I didn't sleep too well last night & the extra bit of sleep I was able to get was a help.
2 servings Captain Crunch Peanut Butter cereal
2 servings fat free milk
Worked on some parts in the shop before break
Mid morning snack:
Little Debbie Fudge Round
After break I had to work one of the planes we're turning back in because the lease is up on it. It gets frustrating when they find more b.s. write-ups each time they take it for a check flight.
Turkey & cheese on white wheat
1 dill pickle
2 servings celery
1 large apple
1 sugar free chocolate pudding
After lunch it was still work on the turn back plane, doing the ops checks that had to be done due to the parts that were replaced.
Mid afternoon snack:
1 Cliff chocolate brownie bar.
After getting home, it was time for a ride. I met the local group on the road. I was told it was going to be an easy ride, which was fine with me. My legs were a bit on the sore side after doing hindu squats last nigt. Well one lady decided she was feeling a bit on the froggy side, so I thought I'd see if I could catch her. We rode together through the hills that were on the route and then I decided to see how the rest of the group was doing. She went on her way. I let the rest of the group catch up and they said they were doing fine. I thought I would see if I could catch the lady ahead of me. I ended up catching her, but it was a workout doing so.
2 servings Beef Stew
2 cornbread muffins
1 thin slice cherry cream pie.
1 Cherry Coke Zero
After the ride, I did the weight resistance workout #1 from Cyclo-Core with 10# dumbbells, then did the Fix the Back-Stretch routine from Cyclo-Zen. All in all it was a good day.
2 servings Captain Crunch Peanut Butter cereal
2 servings fat free milk
Worked on some parts in the shop before break
Mid morning snack:
Little Debbie Fudge Round
After break I had to work one of the planes we're turning back in because the lease is up on it. It gets frustrating when they find more b.s. write-ups each time they take it for a check flight.
Turkey & cheese on white wheat
1 dill pickle
2 servings celery
1 large apple
1 sugar free chocolate pudding
After lunch it was still work on the turn back plane, doing the ops checks that had to be done due to the parts that were replaced.
Mid afternoon snack:
1 Cliff chocolate brownie bar.
After getting home, it was time for a ride. I met the local group on the road. I was told it was going to be an easy ride, which was fine with me. My legs were a bit on the sore side after doing hindu squats last nigt. Well one lady decided she was feeling a bit on the froggy side, so I thought I'd see if I could catch her. We rode together through the hills that were on the route and then I decided to see how the rest of the group was doing. She went on her way. I let the rest of the group catch up and they said they were doing fine. I thought I would see if I could catch the lady ahead of me. I ended up catching her, but it was a workout doing so.
2 servings Beef Stew
2 cornbread muffins
1 thin slice cherry cream pie.
1 Cherry Coke Zero
After the ride, I did the weight resistance workout #1 from Cyclo-Core with 10# dumbbells, then did the Fix the Back-Stretch routine from Cyclo-Zen. All in all it was a good day.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Catch up time
I'm sorry I didn't post anything over the weekend, but I was pretty busy & I must confess I really didn't watch what I ate too well. On Friday it was work and then I went to a movie with friends. On Saturday I was invited to a Messianic Jewish service then went to the fair. Anyone who's ever been to a fair, knows that there isn't anything there that could be called healthy to eat there. I will admit that there is plenty of good food there, just not good for you if you're trying to lose weight. I did pretty good at the fair, the worst thing I ate there was a funnel cake. It's kind of a tradition with me to have one at the fair each year. Sunday was busy with church and other projects I had to get done so I really don't remember what I had to eat during the day, it was hit and miss with my eating. So whatever gains I had made during the week, went out the window this past weekend. Today I made sure I got back on the program.
2 servings Fruity Cheerios
2 servings fat free milk
1 small banana
Did some things around the house that needed to get done before I could go out for a ride. By the time I got things done around here it was lunch time.
1 Weight Watchers Santa Fe beans & rice meal
1 serving Gatorade
After lunch had settled down, I went out & did a 40 mile ride. I hadn't been on the bike for the past 3 days & it showed. My legs felt heavy most of the ride. It did feel good to be on the road bike again.
2 servings Chicken Chow Mein
1 serving brown rice
1 Cherry Coke Zero
1 slice red velvet cake ( had a sweet craving)
After dinner it was workout time, I've decided to do at least one of the core workouts from Cyclo-Core before going to bed from now on. Today was Body Resistance workout #1 then did the cool down & stretch, followed by the Cyclo-Zen Fix the back - stretch routine. Thanks for everyone who reads this.
2 servings Fruity Cheerios
2 servings fat free milk
1 small banana
Did some things around the house that needed to get done before I could go out for a ride. By the time I got things done around here it was lunch time.
1 Weight Watchers Santa Fe beans & rice meal
1 serving Gatorade
After lunch had settled down, I went out & did a 40 mile ride. I hadn't been on the bike for the past 3 days & it showed. My legs felt heavy most of the ride. It did feel good to be on the road bike again.
2 servings Chicken Chow Mein
1 serving brown rice
1 Cherry Coke Zero
1 slice red velvet cake ( had a sweet craving)
After dinner it was workout time, I've decided to do at least one of the core workouts from Cyclo-Core before going to bed from now on. Today was Body Resistance workout #1 then did the cool down & stretch, followed by the Cyclo-Zen Fix the back - stretch routine. Thanks for everyone who reads this.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Trying to stay on the program
Today was a great day to ride to work, it was only 47 degrees when I left, but it felt great. My legs felt good the entire commute.
2 servings Special K fruit & yogurt cereal
2 serving fat free milk
1 small banana
Work was work, nothing special today, or nothing heavy to move around.
Mid morning snack:
5 fig bars
Ham on wheat
1 dill pickle
1 serving celery
1 sugar free pudding
Mid afternoon snack:
5 fig bars
The ride home was just as much fun as the ride to work was. I had a slight tailwind and used it to my advantage.
2 eggs scrambled
2 servings hashbrowns
2 pcs. wheat toast
3 hard boiled eggs
I also had a Fast Break candy bar, seeing as I was wanting something sweet to have. I'm doing better at watching my sweet tooth, trying to eat more fruits as snacks. I'm looking forward to some great weather to ride in this weekend. Hope this is helping others. If you have any suggestions, feel free to pass them along.
2 servings Special K fruit & yogurt cereal
2 serving fat free milk
1 small banana
Work was work, nothing special today, or nothing heavy to move around.
Mid morning snack:
5 fig bars
Ham on wheat
1 dill pickle
1 serving celery
1 sugar free pudding
Mid afternoon snack:
5 fig bars
The ride home was just as much fun as the ride to work was. I had a slight tailwind and used it to my advantage.
2 eggs scrambled
2 servings hashbrowns
2 pcs. wheat toast
3 hard boiled eggs
I also had a Fast Break candy bar, seeing as I was wanting something sweet to have. I'm doing better at watching my sweet tooth, trying to eat more fruits as snacks. I'm looking forward to some great weather to ride in this weekend. Hope this is helping others. If you have any suggestions, feel free to pass them along.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A tiring day
Today I seemed to feel tired all day long. I didn't really sleep that well last night so that is probably the cause of things. I woke up when the alarm kicked off and this is what I had for breakfast.
2 servings Special K fruit & yogurt cereal
2 servings fat free milk
The commute into work was enjoyable, the weather was a bit on the cool side, but it felt good nonetheless. Work was the usual. I had to remove some equipment for another shop and I was placed in awkward postions, which didn't help a sore back, but I got the job done.
Mid morning snack:
1 small banana
1 pkg Ramen Noodles
1 serving celery
1 applesauce
1 sugar free pudding.
Worked on getting parts finished in the afternoon, then had a meeting with the v.p. of our division later in the afternoon.
Mid afternoon snack:
1 small banana
I felt tired throughout the day, thought it might have something to do with my type 2 diabetes, but after checking my blood sugar, that wasn't the problem. The commute home was a bit on the windy side. Most of the route I had a crosswind, but the last part of the ride was a headwind. I really felt tired after getting home and checked my blood sugar like I usually do after a ride & found it a bit low. I had 2 small cinnamon rolls & after a bit my sugar level was back in the normal range.
2 baked potatoes
1 serving Gatorade.
Just got things ready for the commute in the moring before going to bed.
2 servings Special K fruit & yogurt cereal
2 servings fat free milk
The commute into work was enjoyable, the weather was a bit on the cool side, but it felt good nonetheless. Work was the usual. I had to remove some equipment for another shop and I was placed in awkward postions, which didn't help a sore back, but I got the job done.
Mid morning snack:
1 small banana
1 pkg Ramen Noodles
1 serving celery
1 applesauce
1 sugar free pudding.
Worked on getting parts finished in the afternoon, then had a meeting with the v.p. of our division later in the afternoon.
Mid afternoon snack:
1 small banana
I felt tired throughout the day, thought it might have something to do with my type 2 diabetes, but after checking my blood sugar, that wasn't the problem. The commute home was a bit on the windy side. Most of the route I had a crosswind, but the last part of the ride was a headwind. I really felt tired after getting home and checked my blood sugar like I usually do after a ride & found it a bit low. I had 2 small cinnamon rolls & after a bit my sugar level was back in the normal range.
2 baked potatoes
1 serving Gatorade.
Just got things ready for the commute in the moring before going to bed.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
One of those days
Today was one of those days that I seemed to be hungry all day long. I woke up and this is what I had for breakfast.
2 Special K waffles
1 tsp peanut butter
1 small banana.
I rode to work this morning & the weather was great, but after getting changed & clocking in I started to get quite hungry. I did my best to drink as much water as I could to try to curb the hunger, but no such luck. I just had to wait till break time.
Mid morning snack:
1 small banana
3 small servings of peanuts.
Today was a busy day at work. I had to reblock about 10 aircraft batteries. These are quite heavy, they weigh about 90 lbs each. I had to move about 10 kits that weighed 84 lbs each into the shop. I then had to move each battery over to the work bench to remove the old batteries in the case & replace them with the new ones. I then had to carry the batteries over to the ready table. This was quite a workout to say the least. I think that might have something to do with the reason I've been so hungry today.
ham & cheese on wheat
1 dill pickle
2 servings celery
1 applesauce
1 sugar free pudding
After lunch it was time to finish the batteries that I hadn't done in the morning. I have a feeling I'm going to be sore in the morning. The ride home was uneventful, but my legs did feel a little heavy after all that lifting.
3 enchiladas
2 pcs. red velvet cake ( shouldn't have had the second piece, but couldn't stop myself)
After dinner was just stretching & getting things ready for the commute in the morning.
2 Special K waffles
1 tsp peanut butter
1 small banana.
I rode to work this morning & the weather was great, but after getting changed & clocking in I started to get quite hungry. I did my best to drink as much water as I could to try to curb the hunger, but no such luck. I just had to wait till break time.
Mid morning snack:
1 small banana
3 small servings of peanuts.
Today was a busy day at work. I had to reblock about 10 aircraft batteries. These are quite heavy, they weigh about 90 lbs each. I had to move about 10 kits that weighed 84 lbs each into the shop. I then had to move each battery over to the work bench to remove the old batteries in the case & replace them with the new ones. I then had to carry the batteries over to the ready table. This was quite a workout to say the least. I think that might have something to do with the reason I've been so hungry today.
ham & cheese on wheat
1 dill pickle
2 servings celery
1 applesauce
1 sugar free pudding
After lunch it was time to finish the batteries that I hadn't done in the morning. I have a feeling I'm going to be sore in the morning. The ride home was uneventful, but my legs did feel a little heavy after all that lifting.
3 enchiladas
2 pcs. red velvet cake ( shouldn't have had the second piece, but couldn't stop myself)
After dinner was just stretching & getting things ready for the commute in the morning.
Monday, September 29, 2008
A New Week
Today is the start of the second week of my challenge. I have to wait until Friday to get a scale to find out if I've lost any weight this past week. I woke up and got things together to go for a ride this morning.
2 servings Fruity Cheerios
2 servings fat free milk
I headed out for my ride, the weather was great, not too cool, not much of a wind. I picked a route that had rolling hills to give me a workout. My legs felt good the entire ride. I did over 42 miles today.
3 hot dogs
1 serving salt & vinegar chips
1 diet soda
I spent the afternoon doing things around the house. I had some things that needed to be cleaned up so it was a good time to catch up on things like that.
2 breakfast burritos
2 biscuts with sugar free jelly
1 serving Gatorade
After dinner it was laundry time & finished the evening with the Cyclo-Zen fix the back stretch routine.
2 servings Fruity Cheerios
2 servings fat free milk
I headed out for my ride, the weather was great, not too cool, not much of a wind. I picked a route that had rolling hills to give me a workout. My legs felt good the entire ride. I did over 42 miles today.
3 hot dogs
1 serving salt & vinegar chips
1 diet soda
I spent the afternoon doing things around the house. I had some things that needed to be cleaned up so it was a good time to catch up on things like that.
2 breakfast burritos
2 biscuts with sugar free jelly
1 serving Gatorade
After dinner it was laundry time & finished the evening with the Cyclo-Zen fix the back stretch routine.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
One week down
I have survived the first week of the challenge. Today was a pretty uneventful day. I went to church this morning and enjoyed the service.
2 Krispy Kreme doughnuts
2 Granola bars
1 serv coffee with cream
2 hot dogs
2 servings salt & vinegar chips
2 serving chewy chips ahoy cookies
Went to Awanas in the evening and played around with the 2 year olds I help teach
1 Sonic corn dog
1 quesadilla (cheese only)
2 servings apple juice.
2 Krispy Kreme doughnuts
2 Granola bars
1 serv coffee with cream
2 hot dogs
2 servings salt & vinegar chips
2 serving chewy chips ahoy cookies
Went to Awanas in the evening and played around with the 2 year olds I help teach
1 Sonic corn dog
1 quesadilla (cheese only)
2 servings apple juice.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Another day down
Got up this morning ready to go for a ride, the weather was a bit on the cool side, had to break out the vest along with the arm & knee warmers.
2 bowls of Fruity Cheerios
2 servings fat free milk
Rode to the usual Saturday ride meeting place, but no one showed up. I waited for a bit then decided to head out on my own to get back in time for a friend's son & daughter's soccer games. I did about 35 miles on a rolling hill route and averaged 19.6 mph for the entire ride. I took my commuting bike & rode to the soccer games. I was treated to lunch between games.
Mid morning snack:
1 small banana
1 Sonic hamburger
1 order french fries
1 cherry lime aid
We watched his daughter's team play in the afternoon and after the game I rode home to watch football.
Mid afternoon snack:
1 small Powerade
1 small banana
2 servings Chewy Chips Ahoy cookies
I watched the Auburn/Tennessee game after getting home, good game.
3 hot dogs
2 servings Salt & Vinegar potato chips
1 Diet cherry cola.
That's about all I have for today, it was a fun relaxing day.
2 bowls of Fruity Cheerios
2 servings fat free milk
Rode to the usual Saturday ride meeting place, but no one showed up. I waited for a bit then decided to head out on my own to get back in time for a friend's son & daughter's soccer games. I did about 35 miles on a rolling hill route and averaged 19.6 mph for the entire ride. I took my commuting bike & rode to the soccer games. I was treated to lunch between games.
Mid morning snack:
1 small banana
1 Sonic hamburger
1 order french fries
1 cherry lime aid
We watched his daughter's team play in the afternoon and after the game I rode home to watch football.
Mid afternoon snack:
1 small Powerade
1 small banana
2 servings Chewy Chips Ahoy cookies
I watched the Auburn/Tennessee game after getting home, good game.
3 hot dogs
2 servings Salt & Vinegar potato chips
1 Diet cherry cola.
That's about all I have for today, it was a fun relaxing day.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Five days down
Well today really wasn't one of my better days eating wise, but you have to remember that you're going to have a bad day every once in a while and not to dwell on it and get back on the program.
1 bowl Capt Crunch Peanut butter crunch cereal
1 cup fat free milk.
1 Dunkin Donuts Iced coffee
3 Dunkin donuts.
I caught a ride to work with a friend seeing as I forgot to set my alarm and by the time I woke up it was too late to ride. I threw my road bike in his truck to ride home.
Mid morning snack:
1 small banana
Worked on batteries all morning long.
1 ham & cheese on wheat
1 dill pickle
1 serv applesauce
1 serv sugar free pudding
4 fig bars
Caught up on paperwork during the afternoon
Mid afternoon snack:
1 small banana
Rode the road bike home for a change of pace, haven't really ridden it since Monday & it was feeling a bit lonely.
3 hot dogs
1 serv bbq baked beans
4 chips ahoy cookies.
I'm hoping to go for a good ride tomorrow morning and then go watch a friend's children play soccer later on in the day.
1 bowl Capt Crunch Peanut butter crunch cereal
1 cup fat free milk.
1 Dunkin Donuts Iced coffee
3 Dunkin donuts.
I caught a ride to work with a friend seeing as I forgot to set my alarm and by the time I woke up it was too late to ride. I threw my road bike in his truck to ride home.
Mid morning snack:
1 small banana
Worked on batteries all morning long.
1 ham & cheese on wheat
1 dill pickle
1 serv applesauce
1 serv sugar free pudding
4 fig bars
Caught up on paperwork during the afternoon
Mid afternoon snack:
1 small banana
Rode the road bike home for a change of pace, haven't really ridden it since Monday & it was feeling a bit lonely.
3 hot dogs
1 serv bbq baked beans
4 chips ahoy cookies.
I'm hoping to go for a good ride tomorrow morning and then go watch a friend's children play soccer later on in the day.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Day Four
I'm on day four of the challenge, so far I've been doing my best to watch what I eat and trying to exercise everyday.
1 bowl of Kellogg's Special K fruit & yogurt cereal
1 serv fat free milk
Did the morning commute, it was a bit on the cool side, but it felt great and had no problems on the ride.
Mid morning snack:
1 banana
1 pb & j on wheat
1 serv baby carrots
1 serv applesauce
5 fig bars
1 serv sugar free pudding
Mid afternoon snack:
1 banana
Had a nice tail wind on the commute home & took full advantage of it. I rode pretty hard on the way home, got a good workout in.
1 bowl tuna helper
1 salad.
That's about all for now, stay tuned......
1 bowl of Kellogg's Special K fruit & yogurt cereal
1 serv fat free milk
Did the morning commute, it was a bit on the cool side, but it felt great and had no problems on the ride.
Mid morning snack:
1 banana
1 pb & j on wheat
1 serv baby carrots
1 serv applesauce
5 fig bars
1 serv sugar free pudding
Mid afternoon snack:
1 banana
Had a nice tail wind on the commute home & took full advantage of it. I rode pretty hard on the way home, got a good workout in.
1 bowl tuna helper
1 salad.
That's about all for now, stay tuned......
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Survived day three
Woke up for the commute to work & took care of the dogs before leaving.
2 Kellogg's Special K Waffles
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 small banana
1 cup apple juice
The commute to work went uneventful, which after yesterday was very pleasant. The weather was fantastic. I took the hillier route to work to make up for missing yesterdays commute.
Mid morning snack:
1 small banana
2 Krispy Kreme doughnuts ( I know, shouldn't have had them)
Worked the rest of the morning.
1 Ham & cheese on wheat
1 pickle
1 serving baby carrots
1 applesauce
1 Light n Lively yogurt
Worked the rest of the afternoon and was busy so I didn't have a afternoon snack. I had a great commute on the way home from work. My legs felt pretty good the entire ride.
1/2 cup pot roast
1 cup mashed potatoes
1 cup corn
2 dinner rolls
Went to services at church and relaxed & recovered the rest of the evening.
2 Kellogg's Special K Waffles
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 small banana
1 cup apple juice
The commute to work went uneventful, which after yesterday was very pleasant. The weather was fantastic. I took the hillier route to work to make up for missing yesterdays commute.
Mid morning snack:
1 small banana
2 Krispy Kreme doughnuts ( I know, shouldn't have had them)
Worked the rest of the morning.
1 Ham & cheese on wheat
1 pickle
1 serving baby carrots
1 applesauce
1 Light n Lively yogurt
Worked the rest of the afternoon and was busy so I didn't have a afternoon snack. I had a great commute on the way home from work. My legs felt pretty good the entire ride.
1/2 cup pot roast
1 cup mashed potatoes
1 cup corn
2 dinner rolls
Went to services at church and relaxed & recovered the rest of the evening.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Two Days Down
On to day #2 of the challenge.
2 servings of Corn Flakes
2 servings of Fat Free Milk
I usually commute by bike to & from work. I left the house at the usual time and was about halfway to work when the rear tire went flat. No big deal I thought, I've changed tubes lots of times. I took the rear wheel off the bike, remove the tire and tube, found the cause of the flat (a staple), and when I took out the new tube, I found out that it was the wrong size tube, it was too small. I called & got a ride home to shower and change. Needless to say I was late for work. I arrived at work and went through the day.
Mid morning snack:
1 small banana
ham & cheese on wheat
1 pickle
1 serving of celery
1 serving of applesauce
1 small Light & Livey yogurt
Mid afternoon snack:
1 small banana
McDonald's Grilled Chicken sandwich
1 order fries
1 Diet Coke
After work I got 2 new tubes and and fixed my bike. I did the Power Yoga workout & Fix the Back routines from Cyclo-Zen. So far the challenge is going well.
2 servings of Corn Flakes
2 servings of Fat Free Milk
I usually commute by bike to & from work. I left the house at the usual time and was about halfway to work when the rear tire went flat. No big deal I thought, I've changed tubes lots of times. I took the rear wheel off the bike, remove the tire and tube, found the cause of the flat (a staple), and when I took out the new tube, I found out that it was the wrong size tube, it was too small. I called & got a ride home to shower and change. Needless to say I was late for work. I arrived at work and went through the day.
Mid morning snack:
1 small banana
ham & cheese on wheat
1 pickle
1 serving of celery
1 serving of applesauce
1 small Light & Livey yogurt
Mid afternoon snack:
1 small banana
McDonald's Grilled Chicken sandwich
1 order fries
1 Diet Coke
After work I got 2 new tubes and and fixed my bike. I did the Power Yoga workout & Fix the Back routines from Cyclo-Zen. So far the challenge is going well.
Monday, September 22, 2008
First Day of the Challenge
Today is the fist day of my Everyday Cyclist Challenge. My goal is to lose some weight. My current weight is 202 lbs.
Breakfast: 2 Kellogg's Special K waffles
1 tsp peanut butter
1 small banana
1 cup fat free milk.
This morning I did something I hadn't done in quite awhile. I borrowed a full suspension mt. bike from the local bike shop and rode some trails not to far from my home. I was cautious the first lap, but still mananged to hit the dirt one time. I was feeling a bit more confident on the second lap, which was a mistake. I not only hit the dirt once, but twice on the second lap. I didn't break any bones or the bike. I did have fun and am going to give it another try sometime soon. I hope to go with someone so I can follow the lines they take on the trails to improve.
Lunch: Ham & cheese sandwich on wheat bread
3 0z. celery
1 pickle
Later in the afternoon, I went out on the road bike for a recovery ride. My legs certainly needed it. I just took it easy for 17 miles. My legs certainly felt better after the ride.
Dinner: 1/2 cup pot roast
1/2 cup corn
1 cup mashed potatoes
1/2 cup baked beans
2 dinner rolls
I did do the Fix the Back - Stay in the Drops stretching routine from Cyclo-Zen then followed that up with the strecthing & cool down routine from Cyclo-Core. I happy with the start I'm off to & hope to keep it up. Stay tuned for more updates.
Breakfast: 2 Kellogg's Special K waffles
1 tsp peanut butter
1 small banana
1 cup fat free milk.
This morning I did something I hadn't done in quite awhile. I borrowed a full suspension mt. bike from the local bike shop and rode some trails not to far from my home. I was cautious the first lap, but still mananged to hit the dirt one time. I was feeling a bit more confident on the second lap, which was a mistake. I not only hit the dirt once, but twice on the second lap. I didn't break any bones or the bike. I did have fun and am going to give it another try sometime soon. I hope to go with someone so I can follow the lines they take on the trails to improve.
Lunch: Ham & cheese sandwich on wheat bread
3 0z. celery
1 pickle
Later in the afternoon, I went out on the road bike for a recovery ride. My legs certainly needed it. I just took it easy for 17 miles. My legs certainly felt better after the ride.
Dinner: 1/2 cup pot roast
1/2 cup corn
1 cup mashed potatoes
1/2 cup baked beans
2 dinner rolls
I did do the Fix the Back - Stay in the Drops stretching routine from Cyclo-Zen then followed that up with the strecthing & cool down routine from Cyclo-Core. I happy with the start I'm off to & hope to keep it up. Stay tuned for more updates.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
A new challenge
I read about the challenge on the Cyclo-club website & thought that this is just what I need to get back into the routine I was in earlier this year. I was doing well, training and losing weight, getting stronger earlier in the year, but then the trip to Atlanta reared it's ugly head. I was going up there to work for the summer to help out with modifications for the planes that I work on. I took my bikes up there with every intention of riding as much as possible. The first monkey wrench that was thrown into the plan was my work schedule. I usually work day shift, but in their infinate wisdom, my bosses decide to put me on nights. The second monkey wrench thrown at me was that I was going to have a rental car. Once I got checked into the hotel and went to work, I was told that the rental car wasn't going to happen. I was hoping to use the rental car to drive to the group rides with the Southern Crescent Cycling Club I belong to. As if the first two obstalces weren't enough, the hotel I was staying at was near the airport and there really wasn't many safe roads to ride on. The drivers in Atlanta can be quite rude if you slow them down and I have heard about several incidents involving drivers and cyclists. It was hard trying to get adjusted to sleeping during the day. I really wasn't very successful with that. I was lucky if I could get 4 hours straight of sleep, then I would doze on and off until it was time to leave for work. The biggest thing was that I was still eating like I was trainging as before. Needless to say, I put on quite a bit of the weight I had lost earlier in the year. Since I've been home, I really haven't had the motivation I was looking for to get back into the routine I was in the earlier part of the year. I'm glad Graeme posted the challenge & I decided to take it up and try to lose some of the weight within the 30 day time frame. I hope to be successful with the challenge & will do my best.
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